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Here I share my erotic fantasy art, photos, music, and video. Just scroll or search on keywords or postings. For more explicit work and between-the-scenes photos and videos, please subscribe for just $2.99/month!

Meditations – Sophia and Jemstarlight

By Goddesses, Home

Meditations –  Models: Sophia Jade, Jemstarlight Moon

In the celestial dance of Jemstarlight Moon and Sophia, Two souls entwined, in sacred union, a cosmic symphony unfolds. In the sanctuary of senses, they embark on a journey divine, Where the language spoken is of energies entwined.

Bathed in the moonlight’s gentle caress,

They traverse realms, a sacred recess.

Sensual massage, a dance of fingertips,

Awakening chakras, as the universe equips.

Crystals gleam, like stars in their embrace,

Held in hands, transmitting love and grace.

Each facet, a prism, reflecting the soul’s glow,

A kaleidoscope of colors, a transcendental show.

Meditation, a voyage to the inner expanse,

They breathe in harmony, in a cosmic dance.

Silent whispers echo through the cosmic sea,

As their spirits merge in sacred unity.

Healing touch, a balm for wounds unseen,

A communion of hearts, where love convenes.

Energy flows, a river of light,

A tapestry woven, both tender and bright.

In this sacred space, time takes a bow,

As Jemstarlight Moon and Sophia vow,

To honor the divinity in each other’s gaze,

A transcendental connection that forever stays.

Through the ebb and flow of life’s grand tide,

They stand united, side by side.

A sacred verse, a hymn to love’s sweet art,

In the temple of souls, they eternally depart.

Dancing Human Arthropod – Jemstarlight Moon

By Home, Rabbit Holes

Queen of the Hill

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Mira and Jemstar Moon – Forest Witches

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Spider Hunters – Olinka

By Fantasy, Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Angel – Agoda

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Crystal Nicole – Black Boots (11)

By Fetish, Home

Black Boots. Model: Crystal Nicole

Heavenly Dream in Green (2)

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Heavenly Dream in Green. Models: Crystal Allen and Loiis a.k.a. Amelie Belain

Destiny on the Altar

By Goddesses, Home

Destiny on the Altar. Model: Destiny

Island Girl Paradise – Violet (3)

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Island Girl Paradise. Model: Violet

Jessa Ray Muse – Rapture (5)

By Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Jessa Ray Muse – Rapture

Ah, Jessa Ray, a name that dances on the tongue like a melody, echoing through the chambers of the heart. In the canvas of existence, she emerges as a vibrant stroke, a symphony of beauty interwoven with the hues of sensuality. Picture her in a rapturous pool of light and color, an ethereal scene where every shade and beam conspires to accentuate her allure.
The light, a gentle caress, unveils the contours of her being, casting a luminous glow that highlights the grace in every movement. It’s as if the very photons are captivated by her presence, choosing to linger and play upon her skin, creating a dance of warmth and radiance.
And oh, the colors! They swirl around her like a palette in motion, each shade competing to embrace the essence of Jessa Ray. There’s a harmony in the convergence of hues — passionate reds, tranquil blues, and the gentle gradient of purples that mirror the complexity of her spirit. The colors seem to blend and meld, mirroring the depth of her character and the spectrum of emotions she evokes.
In this symphony of light and color, Jessa Ray becomes the focal point, a masterpiece painted by the cosmos. Her eyes, perhaps the most enchanting stars in this celestial canvas, hold galaxies of mystery and reflection. They reflect the pool of light, mirroring the universe within her, inviting those fortunate enough to gaze into them to lose themselves in the vastness of her soul.
The water, an element both serene and tempestuous, cradles her form, mirroring the duality of her existence. It ripples with the energy she exudes, capturing the essence of her presence in liquid poetry. The interplay of water and light creates a sensual ballet, a choreography of reflections and refractions that elevate the scene into a realm where reality and dreams converge.
Jessa Ray, in this enchanting pool of light and color, becomes a living, breathing work of art. A muse for the senses, an embodiment of beauty that transcends the confines of the visual, seeping into the very soul of those who have the privilege of witnessing such a captivating spectacle. In this moment, time seems to stand still, and the world becomes a gallery where Jessa Ray is the masterpiece, bathed in the tender embrace of light and color.

Castle Girl – Sara Scarlet (6)

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Castle Girl. Model: Sara Scarlet

Frozen – Olinka

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Rachel Lilly – Finding Her Beauty

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Finding Her Beauty. Model: Rachel Lilly

Falling Women

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Beach Mountain Dance #2

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Rest Area – Sophia, Crystal, and Kay

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Rest Area – Models: Sophia Jade, Crystal A, and Kay Ace

Crystal A – Studio Spreads

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Crystal works herself into a state of blissful sensuality as she poses under the soft pink lights and seductively opens her legs wide and touches herself. Go to the Erotic page in the main menu for the full 20-photo set. Only $2.99/month for full access to everything on the site. Model: Crystal A

Dancing in the Funhouse – Lior Allay and Kay Ace

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Two Women dancing naked in a funhouse inspired by the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Models: Lior Allay and Kay Ace