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Cas Diaz – Wooden Space Bridge

By Fantasy, Home, Nature au Naturel, Sci Fi, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Cas leisurely sitting on a wooden bridge in a remote part of the galaxy. Model: Cas Diaz

Naked Picnic – Juliet Lumen Krystal (7)

By Home, Nature au Naturel

Juliet, Krystal, and Lumen enjoy a sun-filled naked picnic at Muses in Wonderland. Models: Juliet in the Wild @julietinthewild,  Lumen Foxx @lumenfoxx, Krystal Kitten Mari @krystalkitten828

Three Witches – Juliet Lumen Krystal

By Fantasy, Goddesses, Home, Nature au Naturel, Rabbit Holes, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Three naked forest witches dancing with bats. From Muses in Wonderland. Models: Juliet in the Wild, Lumen Foxx, Krystal Kitten Mari

Ray Lynn – Bareback on White Stallion

By Home, Nature au Naturel

Lady Ray Lynn luxuriating naked riding bareback on a white stallion at Muses in Wonderland. Model: Ray Lynn

Adlee Ray – Sun Goddess (5)

By Goddesses, Home, Nature au Naturel

Adlee Ray as a Sun Goddess at Muses in Wonderland. Model: Adlee Ray

Adlee Ray – Forest Goddess (10)

By Home, Nature au Naturel

Adlee Ray as a Forest Goddess at Muses in Wonderland. Model: Adlee Ray

Oleana – Farm Girl (12)

By Home, Nature au Naturel

Ukrainian beauty Oleana relaxing in the barn at the end of the day, her golden hair catching the rays of the late afternoon sun. Model: Oleana

Sun Bath Dreams – Juliet Lumen Krystal (2)

By Fantasy, Home, Nature au Naturel, Rabbit Holes, Sci Fi, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Naked sun bath dreams. From Muses in Wonderland. Models: Juliet in the Wild, Lumen Foxx, Krystal Kitten Mari

Ray Lynn – Outdoor Bed (20)

By Home, Nature au Naturel

Beautiful Ray Lynn luxuriating naked on a bed outdoors. Model: Ray Lynn

Crystal A and Amelie Belain – Fundamentals of Knowing

By Fantasy, Goddesses, Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Fundamentals of Knowing. Models: Crystal, Amelie Belain

Fundamentals of Knowing
In the vast expanse of existence, we journey through realms of knowing and feeling, where truth and beauty intertwine, and understanding resides at the core level of meaning.
To know is to grasp the essence, to unravel the mysteries that cloak reality in veils of uncertainty. Yet, knowing alone is but a fragment of the whole, for it is in feeling that we truly comprehend the depths of existence. Feeling transcends the boundaries of logic, plunging us into the ocean of emotions where the currents of passion and empathy flow.
Truth, like a beacon in the night, guides our path through the labyrinth of life. It is the unwavering light that illuminates the darkness, revealing the contours of reality with unwavering clarity. Yet, truth is not always what it seems, for beauty often lies in the eye of the beholder, casting a veil of subjectivity over the objective world.
In the symphony of existence, understanding resonates as the melody that binds all things together. It is the harmonious chord that unites knowing and feeling, weaving a tapestry of meaning that transcends the limitations of language and perception. At the core level of understanding, we find the essence of our being, the pulsating rhythm of life that beats within us all.
Love, like a wildfire, consumes the soul with its fierce intensity, engulfing us in its warmth and light. To feel love deeply is to surrender to its transformative power, to be swept away on the currents of passion and desire. Yet, love is also a delicate flower, vulnerable to the harsh winds of indifference and neglect.
And then there is the absence of feeling, the void that echoes with silence and emptiness. To not feel at all is to wander through the desert of existence, thirsting for the nourishment that only emotion can provide. It is a cold and barren landscape, where even the stars seem to have lost their sparkle.
In the tapestry of life, knowing and feeling, truth and beauty, understanding and love intertwine, each thread weaving its own unique pattern into the fabric of existence. And though we may stumble along the way, lost in the labyrinth of our own emotions, we are always guided by the light of truth and the warmth of love, leading us ever closer to the core of meaning.

Eva – Beauty and Epistemology

By Fantasy, Goddesses, Home, Nature au Naturel

Beauty and Epistemology. Model: Eva

In the dance of shadows and light, Epistemology finds its flight,
In the whisper of a breeze’s sigh, Beauty’s truth begins to vie.
For what is known, what we perceive, In beauty’s embrace, we believe,
Through every curve and line, we seek, A deeper truth, a wisdom unique.
In the bloom of a rose, the sweep of a plain, Epistemology’s quest begins its refrain,
For beauty’s essence, elusive, profound, In its mystery, meaning is found.
Through the eyes of the beholder, it lies, Epistemology and beauty’s ties,
In the search for understanding, we roam, In the heart of beauty, we find home.

Jane – Magic Mushroom Garden

By Fantasy, Goddesses, Home, Nature au Naturel

Forest Garden of Magical Mushrooms. Model: Jane

In the heart of the enchanted forest, where Moon Monkey pond whispers secrets, Jane finds solace in a magical haven, where time dances amidst the trees.

A garden of whimsy and wonder unfolds, giant mushrooms, vibrant and alive, their hues painting dreams in the mist, as if whispers of forgotten tales.

Beneath their canopy, Jane sits, her presence a melody in nature’s symphony, the wispy mist caressing her cheeks, whispering tales of ancient magic.

Amidst the verdant chorus, little winged cherubs flit and play, their laughter a symphony of joy, curious eyes drawn to Jane’s serene grace.

In this enchanted embrace, where reality and fantasy intertwine, Jane finds a moment’s respite, a tranquil sanctuary in the heart of the wild.

Jemstarlight Moon – Lightfall (2)

By Fantasy, Goddesses, Home, Nature au Naturel

Lightfall. Model: Jemstarlight Moon

Jemstarlight Moon, a celestial wanderer in the earthly expanse, basks beneath the lightfall.

In the wilderness’ embrace, she finds solace amidst the symphony of nature’s whispers.

A cascade of light descends upon her, each droplet a prism of shimmering hues.

Sparkling with cosmic grace, she drinks in the colors, each hue a potion for her soul’s nourishment.

Amidst this radiant deluge, she is bathed in love, a divine embrace from the universe above.

In this enchanted moment, Jemstarlight Moon becomes one with the wilderness’ song.

Starla – Magic Obelisk

By Home, Nature au Naturel

Magic afoot in the Forest at Moon Monkey Pond. Model: Starla @modeladventurer

Stevie Raquel – Goddess in Her Enchanted Garden

By Fantasy, Home

Goddess in her Enchanted Garden. Model: Stevie Raquel

Carissa in the Garden of Dreams

By Home

Garden of Dreams. Model: Carissa Santigate