Carissa found a huge millipede while shooting by the grottoes and gleefully picked it up and let it crawl on her arm. Model: Carissa Santigate
Violet talks about philosophy, experimental theater, modeling, BDSM, and being naked. For more interviews like this one with other models, go to the Erotic tab or search on “interview”
Model: Violet
Mandii and Frankie cool off in a waterfall. Soon their bikinis come off and things heat up. For full video go to the Erotic page. Models: Mandii Monarch, Frankie Bunny
This powerful fairy queen manifest her invisible queen’s court in the middle of the woods and conjures a beautiful lover from a pile of tree branches and dances seductively until she is tired of her and transforms fer back into a smoldering pile of ashes. Dancers: Angela, Christina Johnson Music: W.T. Rozar
Four witches gather in a clearing in the woods to dance around a bonfire. Models: CJ, Angela, Leeanna, Anastasia
Mandii expresses her inner mermaid. Models: Mandii Monarch, Frankie Bunny
Naked Dungeon Dancers – Models: Kay Ace, Jinx Spectere, Olinka Lickova