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September 2022

Spell Caster in a Field of Red – Stevie and Mira

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Sunrise Mushroom Goddess – Chloe

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Lethe – Psychedelic #1 (8)

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Psychedelic Eden

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Damnant Quod Non Intelligunt (Video)

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Damnant Quod Non Intelligent

In shadows cast by the unlit corridors of knowing, They condemn what slips through fingers of comprehension, Words entwined in vines of uncertainty, Damnant Quod non intelligunt, the silent chant.
A labyrinth of misunderstood whispers, Confinement in the narrow alleys of judgment, Echoes reverberate in chambers of ignorance, The disoriented stumble on uneven ground.
Disaffection blooms in the garden of misapprehension, Petals of understanding fall, unclaimed, Faces etched with the weight of unspoken judgments, A disquieting tapestry woven with threads of conjecture.
Locked in the dungeon of shallow understanding, Truth stands as a specter, veiled and obscured, While minds strain against invisible tethers, Condemning the unfamiliar to the prison of dismissal.
In this landscape of fractured cognizance, They condemn the foreign, the uncharted, Yet beneath the surface of their certitudes, A sea of undiscovered worlds ebbs and flows.
Damnant Quod non intelligunt, a refrain of caution, For in the realm of the unknown lies the genesis, Of compassion untold, of bridges unbuilt, Where understanding might yet unfurl its wings.

Lior Riding a Dinosaur

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Lior riding her dinosaur companion through the garden.  Model: Lior Allay

Queen Agoda

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Purple Mushroom Goddess

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Chrysalis #3 – Olinka

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Roadhouse Boudoir – Jemstar Moon

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Alien Stripper- Mira

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Mushroom Hunter – Carissa

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Dark Mushroom – Crystal and Chandra

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Discarded Vanity – Stevie

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Mira Pond

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Fog In My Soul – Mandii Sondra Jemstar Moon (5)

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Jenni – Berries

By Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia