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Rabbit Holes37

Crystal in Congregation of Potato People

By Home, Rabbit Holes, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Crystal in Congregation of Potato People. Model: Crystal A

Church of the Potato People

In the Church of the Tuber, where spuds convene,

A congregation of potato people, a sight unseen.

Their eyes, like russet orbs, fixed on the sacred ground,

As they gather in reverence, in silence profound.

Starch-filled hearts beat in unison, a tater’s devotion,

In pews of mashed delight, a tuberous emotion.

The pulpit adorned with skins, a priestly spud ascends,

Preaching the gospel of the harvest, where the potato life transcends.

But amid the devout, a stranger unknown,

A beauty in disguise, a presence all her own.

She, an outsider, a radiant yam,

In the sea of potatoes, a singular glam.

Her skin, a golden hue, not of earthly soil,

A sweet fragrance of difference, a celestial foil.

Yet, she hides among them, a secret delight,

In the congregation’s eyes, a clandestine light.

The potato people, unaware of her grace,

Continue their worship in the starchy space.

But the outsider listens, absorbing their prayer,

In the silence of tubers, a connection rare.

As the sermon concludes, and the congregation disbands,

The outsider reveals herself, a rose in the lands.

The potatoes, astonished, yet welcoming still,

In this diverse church, love trumps the thrill.

For in the Church of the Tuber, diversity blooms,

In the richness of differences, unity looms.

Potato people and yams, together they stand,

In the spud-filled sanctuary, hand in hand.

Destiny’s Naked Nightmare

By Home, Rabbit Holes, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Nude in Public Nightmare Model: Destiny

Destiny’s Naked Nightmare

In the realm of midnight’s haunting veil,

Destiny, stripped bare, wanders frail.

Through streets unknown, a surreal domain,

A nightmare’s grip, a relentless chain.

Naked truth adrift in shadows’ keep,

A city unfamiliar, lost in sleep.

Whispers of forgotten tales entwine,

As Destiny treads through the ghostly line.

Moonlit alleys, cobblestone dreams,

Echoes of silence, or so it seems.

Mysterious faces leer from the shade,

In the abandoned city, where fears cascade.

Twisted figures with eyes unknown,

Their gazes pierce through flesh and bone.

A carnival of the bizarre, a midnight parade,

Destiny’s essence on display, betrayed.

Lurking in corners, figures bizarre,

Dancing with shadows, beneath the stars.

Wraiths and phantoms, specters unkind,

In the surreal recesses of Destiny’s mind.

The city breathes, an entity obscure,

As Destiny stumbles, unsure.

Her footprints echo in deserted streets,

A symphony of solitude, where destiny meets.

The clock strikes midnight, a haunting chime,

As Destiny navigates the corridors of time.

Naked vulnerability in the moonlight,

A captive in her own nightmare’s spite.

Through this desolate city, she roams,

A captive soul in the cosmic catacombs.

Yet, in the heart of this dream-like despair,

Destiny seeks escape, a silent prayer.

In the labyrinth of the mind, she’s confined,

A dreamer lost in the corridors of the mind.

In the strange, surreal city, where shadows play,

Destiny yearns for the light of a new day.

Disintegration – Liv

By Home, Rabbit Holes, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Disintegration. Model: Liv Hill

A Tangle of Limbs – Loiis and Olinka

By Home, Rabbit Holes, Surrealism and Psychedelia

A tangle of limbs. Models: Olinka Lickova and Loiis a.k.a. Amelie Belain

Orgy Melt

By Home, Rabbit Holes, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Head Toss – Lethe and Carissa

By Home, Rabbit Holes, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Lethe shows off her head-tossing skills while Carissa and Agoda look on. Models: Lethe, Carissa Santigate, Stevie Raquel

Sophia in Hand

By Fantasy, Home, Rabbit Holes, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Dancing Human Arthropod – Jemstarlight Moon

By Home, Rabbit Holes

Road Wraiths (Video)

By Home, Rabbit Holes, Surrealism and Psychedelia, Video

Road Wraiths

On a moonless night, beneath a canopy of twisted branches, we found ourselves on a desolate road that snaked through the heart of an ancient forest. The air grew heavy with an eerie silence as our car’s headlights cut through the oppressive darkness.

As we ventured further into the lonely abyss, shadows danced on the periphery of our vision. Pale, ethereal figures emerged from the trees, their ghostly forms bathed in an otherworldly glow. Their beauty was haunting, a spectral allure that seemed to transcend the boundaries between the living and the dead.

The women, with flowing hair and eyes that glowed like forgotten stars, lined the sides of the road. Their spectral hands reached out, fingers beckoning with an irresistible pull. Mesmerized, we couldn’t resist the allure, as if the very essence of the night compelled us to follow.

The engine hummed, and the tires whispered against the asphalt as we succumbed to the enchantment. The forest enveloped us in an inky blackness, the trees closing in like sinister sentinels. A haunting melody echoed through the air, a mournful symphony that seemed to emanate from the very depths of the woods.

As we delved deeper, the apparitions’ once-beautiful faces contorted into twisted masks of malevolence. The air turned frigid, and the seductive whispers became chilling warnings. Panic set in as we realized we had been ensnared by a spectral trap, lured into the heart of a forbidding realm.

With each passing moment, the road seemed to stretch infinitely into the inky unknown, and the apparitions’ taunting laughter echoed through the desolation. It became clear that our journey had taken an ominous turn, and escape from the grasp of these ghostly sirens would not be easily granted.

In the heart of that haunted night, our car hurtled forward, surrounded by the haunting beauty of the specters, as we faced the unsettling truth that we had become unwitting travelers on a road that led not to salvation, but to a realm where the boundary between the living and the dead blurred into a nightmarish tapestry of the unknown.


By Home, Rabbit Holes

Genemorphosis. Model: Carissa Santigate

Nightmare Body

By Home, Rabbit Holes, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Fire Dance – Jemstarlight Moon and Lethe

By Fantasy, Home, Rabbit Holes