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Here I share my erotic fantasy art, photos, music, and video. Just scroll or search on keywords or postings. For more explicit work and between-the-scenes photos and videos, please subscribe for just $2.99/month!

Crystal and Sophia Lily Pad Pond Nymphs

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Lily Pad Pond Nymphs. Models: Crystal A and Sophia Jade

Bramble Sparks – Stevie

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Oasis – Lethe

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Discarded Vanity – Stevie

By Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Alien Fashion Show – Violet Olinka and Lareina

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Alien Fashion Show – Violet, Olinka Lickova, Lareina Tay

Stevie Raquel and the Beast

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Agoda and the Beast. Model: Stevie Raquel

Kay Ace – Dock Nudes

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Dock Nudes. Model: Kay Ace

Sophia Witches Fest (3)

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Arrival #2

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Warrior Scouts

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Agoda Sorceress – Stevie Raquel (8)

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Agoda Sorceress – Model: Stevie Raquel

Inferno Salutation

By Goddesses, Home, Video

Inferno Salutation

In twilight’s grasp, two maidens fair, Virgins pure, in whispered air.

Above the flames, a ritual dance, Salutations woven in fiery trance.

Gentle flickers, embers rise, Reflections gleam in fervent eyes.

Innocence draped in sacred shroud, They tread on ground, the unhallowed crowd.

Around the pyre, secrets untold, Mystic whispers, a tale unfolds.

A dance of spirits, shadows cast, In the smoldering fire, memories amassed.

Gowned in white, a celestial grace, They twirl and weave in sacred space.

Each step a hymn, a silent prayer, In the inferno, destiny they share.

The flames, they hunger, lapping higher, Anointing the ritual with mystical fire.

Sacrifice made on this sacred night, Two souls ablaze, their spirits take flight.

As embers ascend in the ethereal night, The virgin women merge with the light.

Consumed by flames, a transcendental pyre, They become one with the celestial choir.

In the stillness, the smoldering glow, The remnants of souls, an afterglow.

A dance immortal, in the fire’s embrace, Two virgin spirits, leaving earthly trace.


Dancers: Jenn Michelle and Crystal Nicole


Heavenly Angel – Carissa (3)

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Truly a heavenly and angelic creature. Model: Carissa Santigate

Passover Angel of Death…

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Happy Passover!
For a great example of God’s infinite wisdom, power, and love, you need look no further than the story of Passover. In order to free His chosen people from the cruel Pharaoh, God made a bunch of plagues happen so that Pharaoh would relent and let the Jews go free. But despite the rather impressive plagues, Pharaoh was not impressed, and continued to refuse letting the Jews go free.
But wait, that’s not exactly true, Pharaoh WAS ready to let the Jews go after some of the more dire plagues, but GOD HARDENED PHAROAH’S HEART so that he changed his mind and did not let them go! It was like God had a few more plagues he wanted to try out and he was not going to let Pharoah’s softening heart stop him.
Finally, after many plagues, God decided to murder every firstborn child in Egypt except for the Jewish firstborn, who would be “passed over” if they painted lamb’s blood on their doors so the Angel of Death would know who the Jews were (how else would God know?).
Anyway, so God killed all the firstborn children of Egypt, from Pharoah’s son down to the lowliest maidservant. Breaking his own commandment (in a big way) of “Thou Shalt Not Kill” it seems God really just wanted to commit mass murder. I mean, he could have gotten the same result any number of ways without all the horrible deadly plagues and the mass murder of innocent children. For instance, maybe, just maybe, instead of “hardening Pharoahs’ heart” he could have, I don’t know, SOFTENED PHAROAH’S HEART???
But no, God wanted to have some fun trying out all his magic tricks and plagues and top it all off with the murder of thousands of innocent children who had nothing to do with the enslavement of the Jews. God’s great wisdom, power, and love for all to witness!

Jenni – Berries

By Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Adlee Ray – Biosphere

By Goddesses, Home, Nature au Naturel

Adlee Ray in her own personal biosphere at Muses in Wonderland. Model: Adlee Ray

Steampunk Jalopy – Olinka Lickova

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A steampunk jalopy fit for a sporty witch. Featuring the sultry Olinka Lickova wearing nothing but a black cape casually draped over her shoulders revealing a lovely breast and long shapely legs.


Autumn Huse – Forest Fairy (9)

By Fantasy, Goddesses, Home

Forest Fairy. The transcendent beauty of model, makeup artist, and costumer, Autumn Huse. Photographed at Muses in Wonderland. Model: Autumn Huse

Orgy Melt

By Home, Rabbit Holes, Surrealism and Psychedelia