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Here I share my erotic fantasy art, photos, music, and video. Just scroll or search on keywords or postings. For more explicit work and between-the-scenes photos and videos, please subscribe for just $2.99/month!


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Cataclysm – Model: Amelie Belain

Betty and Veronica Exposed (10)

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So I thought I would use my Photoshop skills and have a little fun channeling my inner 13-year-old’s sexual fantasies. I was quite an avid reader and collector of Archie comics as a kid. I would not have admitted it back then but I loved them just as much as my Marvel comics–maybe even more once I started adolescence. So here are the results of my fantasizing. There’s something uniquely erotic for me about these re-imaginings. Maybe because it takes me back to a hornier, more hormonally-charged period of my life, or maybe it’s the playful and innocent sexiness of them. Anyway, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. If so, let me know, and I will do more of them–maybe even try corrupting the Marvel universe. Topless Gwen Stacy? Naked Sue Storm? Hmmmm…

The Seeker – Rachel Lilly

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Whatever it is you seek, just put on a hooded cloak and go to the top of a mountain. Unless you are seeking a sandwich. Or a slice of pizza. Or a new outfit. Or some new friends. But other than that, just go to some mountaintop; it will bring you closer to God, because, as we all know, God sits up high in the sky. And the thin air and grand vistas will make you feel a little high (why do you think they call it “getting high”?). Anyway, this piece is dedicated to all of us seekers in earnest. Excelsior! Model: Rachel Lilly

Dancing Human Arthropod – Jemstarlight Moon

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Seraphina the Pink

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Seraphina the Pink Kneeling before one of her gods. Model: Violet

Midnight Romp of the Fairies at Moon Monkey Pond

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Midnight romp of the fairies at Moon Monkey Pond. Model: Lethe


Liv Hill – Cosmic Warrior

By Fantasy, Goddesses, Home, Sci Fi, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Cosmic Warrior.  Model: Liv Hill

Chrysalis #1 – Olinka

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Damnant Quod Non Intelligunt (Video)

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Damnant Quod Non Intelligent

In shadows cast by the unlit corridors of knowing, They condemn what slips through fingers of comprehension, Words entwined in vines of uncertainty, Damnant Quod non intelligunt, the silent chant.
A labyrinth of misunderstood whispers, Confinement in the narrow alleys of judgment, Echoes reverberate in chambers of ignorance, The disoriented stumble on uneven ground.
Disaffection blooms in the garden of misapprehension, Petals of understanding fall, unclaimed, Faces etched with the weight of unspoken judgments, A disquieting tapestry woven with threads of conjecture.
Locked in the dungeon of shallow understanding, Truth stands as a specter, veiled and obscured, While minds strain against invisible tethers, Condemning the unfamiliar to the prison of dismissal.
In this landscape of fractured cognizance, They condemn the foreign, the uncharted, Yet beneath the surface of their certitudes, A sea of undiscovered worlds ebbs and flows.
Damnant Quod non intelligunt, a refrain of caution, For in the realm of the unknown lies the genesis, Of compassion untold, of bridges unbuilt, Where understanding might yet unfurl its wings.

Fashionista Picnic (12)

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Fashionista Picnic –  Models: Crystal Nicole, Jenn Michelle

Dimensional Veils – Violet

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Violet as a huntress riding a Plesiosaur and piercing a dimensional veil in her hunt for food. Model: Violet

Olinka Lickova – Dock Nudes (14)

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Olinka Lickova nude on a dock on a public lake.

Carissa Sunbathing Nude on a Rock (6)

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Heartbeats. Models: Loiis and Crystal

Violet and Ava May – Crystal Cave

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Crystal Cave.  Models: Violet and Ava May

Dancer In Red On Rocky Alien Landscape

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Dancer In Red On Rocky Alien Landscape. Model: Jemstarlight Moon

Sophia Full Moon Fetish

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