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Here I share my erotic fantasy art, photos, music, and video. Just scroll or search on keywords or postings. For more explicit work and between-the-scenes photos and videos, please subscribe for just $2.99/month!

Witch Warrior – Olinka

By Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Alien Fashion Show Misty Runway – Violet

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Alien Fashion Show Misty Runway – Violet

Carissa Sunbathing Nude on a Rock (6)

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A Goddess Dances in the Meadow (video)

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A Goddess Dances in the Meadow. Dancer: Christina Johnson

In the meadow’s gentle cradle she twirls,
A goddess in the sunlit swirls.
Beneath the vast and azure dome,
Her dance, a hymn of nature’s poem.
Soft grass cradles her nimble feet,
A tapestry of green, a cushion sweet.
The sky above, a canvas blue,
Each pirouette a tale anew.
Her silhouette, a grace untold,
A symphony in green and gold.
The forest’s edge, a silent crowd,
In hushed reverence, they’re endowed.
Tall trees stand like guardians wise,
Whispering secrets ‘neath the skies.
Leaves applaud in the rustling breeze,
Nature’s ballet among the trees.
Sunlight weaves through branches high,
Casting shadows where dreams may lie.
The goddess spins, a radiant sprite,
Embracing day, kissing the night.
In this meadow, a sacred trance,
She dances, lost in nature’s dance.
A goddess in the soft grass sways,
A celebration of eternal days.

Olinka Lickova – Sensualogy

By Fantasy, Goddesses, Home

Sensualogy. Just a word that popped in my head while staring at this picture. Model: Olinka Lickova

Welcome Party – Angels of the Id

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Anlgels of the Id welcoming an alien visitor. Models: Starla, Violet, Jenn Michelle, Lareina Tay

Agoda Sorceress – Stevie Raquel (8)

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Agoda Sorceress – Model: Stevie Raquel

Fairy Queen Conjures a Lover (video)

By Fantasy, Home, Video

This powerful fairy queen manifest her invisible queen’s court in the middle of the woods and conjures a beautiful lover from a pile of tree branches and dances seductively until she is tired of her and transforms fer back into a smoldering pile of ashes. Dancers: Angela, Christina Johnson Music: W.T. Rozar

Lethe – Psychedelic #1 (8)

By Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Crystal Nicole and Jenn Michelle – Nursery

By Fetish, Home

Nursery. The girls have made quite a mess in the nursery but then they quieted down and relaxed. Model: Jenn Michelle @jenn__michellle , Crystal Nichole @taurusbbbyy

Mira Cradling Jemstarlight Moon in the Heavens

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Mira Cradling Jemstarlight Moon in the Heavens

Arrival #3 – Mar y Joy

By Home, Sci Fi

Another Room in My Brain #1 – Violet

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Another Room in My Brain #1 – Model: Violet


Electrogasm – Jemstarlight Moon

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Jemstarlight Moon spreading her legs to the heavens for a divinely electrifying orgasm.


Jenn Michelle and Crystal Nicole – Elementals

By Fantasy, Home, Rabbit Holes, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Elementals. Water and Fire. Exploring the nature of life and infinite space and energy in a whimsical way that explains nothing, but at least draws visual links to stimulate wonder about the nature of life, the elements, energy, and our relationship to the universe. Combination of model photographs, MidJourney AI, and PhotoShop. I have included the original photo of Jenn and Crystal in front of the green screen so you can see the raw beginning and the final result. Models: Jenn Michelle @jenn__michellle , Crystal Nichole @taurusbbbyy

Three Wood Nymphs – Ava May

By Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Jane Astrid Starla B&W Portrait

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Serpent Divan – Kay Ace

By Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Serpent Divan – Model: Kay Ace

Alien Stripper- Mira

By Home, Sci Fi