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Here I share my erotic fantasy art, photos, music, and video. Just scroll or search on keywords or postings. For more explicit work and between-the-scenes photos and videos, please subscribe for just $2.99/month!

Liv Hill – BeBop

By Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia

BeBop.  Model: Liv Hill

Volcano Dance2 - Christina

Volcano Dance

By Home

Volcano Dance. Model: Christina Johnson

Squid Throne – Olinka Lickova…

By Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Honestly, I cannot say what the inspiration for this was, or what it is, or what it’s supposed to mean, or even why it should exist. Almost none of my work starts out as a concept, an idea taking form in the realm of words or intended meaning or purpose. This, like so much of my work, just springs forth my subconscious, much like a dream. One of my goals with Mother Id is to practice tapping into the wellspring of creative energy that lies beneath our conscious rational mind. Art does not have to make sense. It just is–like the universe. The only meanings are those we create. When I create some art, it’s usually only after its creation that I contemplate it and find meaning–meaning for myself that is; it might have different meaning for someone else, or no meaning at all. Maybe it serves as a visual metaphor for something and illuminates that something for us in a way that we did not otherwise see. Or maybe it evokes a feeling that we might not otherwise feel. To me, encountering art like this is like getting plopped down in some alien world. And though we may have questions and seek explanations, there are no manuals or teachers to provide answers. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this freaky, what-the-fuck-is-it, image, and I am sorry I cannot provide more insight about what it is and what it means. If I think of something I will let you know.

Father Knows Best – The Nudist Exchange Student

By Fantasy, Home, Rabbit Holes

Remember the episode of Father Knows Best where the Anderson family hosted the foreign exchange student who was a practicing nudist? No? Well, now you have that memory. Model: Lareina Tay

Nymph City

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Nymph City. Downtown window shoppers out for a stroll on a pleasant morning in the City of Nymphs. Models: Amelie Belain, Olinka Lickova, Sophia Jade, Crystal A

Dancing in the Attic of the Subconscious

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Dancing in the Attic of Subconscious Mind where little makes sense and access to the conscious is denied.  Model: Starla

White Forest Warrior Queen – Kay Ace

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Warrior queen in a magical white forest. Model: Kay Ace

Kay Ace – Goddess of the Lake

By Fantasy, Goddesses, Home

Goddess of the Lake. Model: Kay Ace

Sophia Jade and Crystal A on Pink

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Sophia Jade and Crystal A touching and exploring each other’s naked bodies.


Hold On While I Fix Your Head

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Hold On While I Fix Your Head. Actually, heads were, in fact fixed a little on this shoot. Several days of close bonding and sharing put us all a little more right. Model: Ava May, Jemstarlight Moon

Anna Lemon – Fire Garden

By Fantasy, Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Fire Garden. Model: Anna Lemon

Damnant Quod Non Intelligunt (Video)

By Home, Video

Damnant Quod Non Intelligent

In shadows cast by the unlit corridors of knowing, They condemn what slips through fingers of comprehension, Words entwined in vines of uncertainty, Damnant Quod non intelligunt, the silent chant.
A labyrinth of misunderstood whispers, Confinement in the narrow alleys of judgment, Echoes reverberate in chambers of ignorance, The disoriented stumble on uneven ground.
Disaffection blooms in the garden of misapprehension, Petals of understanding fall, unclaimed, Faces etched with the weight of unspoken judgments, A disquieting tapestry woven with threads of conjecture.
Locked in the dungeon of shallow understanding, Truth stands as a specter, veiled and obscured, While minds strain against invisible tethers, Condemning the unfamiliar to the prison of dismissal.
In this landscape of fractured cognizance, They condemn the foreign, the uncharted, Yet beneath the surface of their certitudes, A sea of undiscovered worlds ebbs and flows.
Damnant Quod non intelligunt, a refrain of caution, For in the realm of the unknown lies the genesis, Of compassion untold, of bridges unbuilt, Where understanding might yet unfurl its wings.

Anna and Crystal – Black Tie Gala

By Fantasy, Fetish, Home

Anna and Crystal – Black Tie Gala. Model: Anna Lemon, Crystal A

Illustrated Woman – Astrid

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Deep Space Habitat – Lareina

By Home, Sci Fi

Deep Space Habitat – Model: Lareina Tay

Her – Carissa

By Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Sara Scarlet – Tempest

By Goddesses, Home

Tempest. Model: Sara Scarlet

Sara Scarlet – Wisp of an Angel

By Goddesses, Home

Wisp of an Angel Model: Sara Scarlet

Mira Pond

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