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Here I share my erotic fantasy art, photos, music, and video. Just scroll or search on keywords or postings. For more explicit work and between-the-scenes photos and videos, please subscribe for just $2.99/month!

Jessica and Carissa – Grotto of the Agony (7)

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The Grotto of the Agony. Model: Jessica Lynette Brooks, Carissa Santigate

Alpaca Daydream – Olinka

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Road Wraiths (Video)

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Road Wraiths

On a moonless night, beneath a canopy of twisted branches, we found ourselves on a desolate road that snaked through the heart of an ancient forest. The air grew heavy with an eerie silence as our car’s headlights cut through the oppressive darkness.

As we ventured further into the lonely abyss, shadows danced on the periphery of our vision. Pale, ethereal figures emerged from the trees, their ghostly forms bathed in an otherworldly glow. Their beauty was haunting, a spectral allure that seemed to transcend the boundaries between the living and the dead.

The women, with flowing hair and eyes that glowed like forgotten stars, lined the sides of the road. Their spectral hands reached out, fingers beckoning with an irresistible pull. Mesmerized, we couldn’t resist the allure, as if the very essence of the night compelled us to follow.

The engine hummed, and the tires whispered against the asphalt as we succumbed to the enchantment. The forest enveloped us in an inky blackness, the trees closing in like sinister sentinels. A haunting melody echoed through the air, a mournful symphony that seemed to emanate from the very depths of the woods.

As we delved deeper, the apparitions’ once-beautiful faces contorted into twisted masks of malevolence. The air turned frigid, and the seductive whispers became chilling warnings. Panic set in as we realized we had been ensnared by a spectral trap, lured into the heart of a forbidding realm.

With each passing moment, the road seemed to stretch infinitely into the inky unknown, and the apparitions’ taunting laughter echoed through the desolation. It became clear that our journey had taken an ominous turn, and escape from the grasp of these ghostly sirens would not be easily granted.

In the heart of that haunted night, our car hurtled forward, surrounded by the haunting beauty of the specters, as we faced the unsettling truth that we had become unwitting travelers on a road that led not to salvation, but to a realm where the boundary between the living and the dead blurred into a nightmarish tapestry of the unknown.

Sophia Jade – Living Cavern

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Living Cavern. Models: Sophia Jade, Crystal A

Starla – Magic Obelisk

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Magic afoot in the Forest at Moon Monkey Pond. Model: Starla @modeladventurer

Red Dancer – Eva

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Deep Space Habitat – Lareina

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Deep Space Habitat – Model: Lareina Tay

Aurora Psilocybin

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Aurora Psilocybin. Model: Kay Ace. I once did Magic Truffles, and the view outside this window is more or less what I saw when I closed my eyes.

Late Arrival (3)

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Late Arrival – Model: Amelie Belain, Crystal A

Pure Nude – Violet

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Pure Nude – Violet

Kay Ace – Goddess of the Lake

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Goddess of the Lake. Model: Kay Ace

The Greatest Gaslighting of All Time…

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The Greatest Gaslighting of All Time

There is perhaps no greater case of gaslighting on a grand scale than the three Abrahamic religions, which have all convinced millions of believers, over thousands of years, that God is the ultimate personification of good, and Satan is the ultimate personification of evil.
Despite wiping out every man, woman, child (and unborn child), and every living creature in the world (except Noah, his family, and select animals) because they were all “sinful”, believers still consider Him a good, just, and loving god.

Despite banishing Adam and Eve from paradise and punishing them and all their descendants for the “sin” of disobeying God and eating a forbidden fruit that opened their eyes to the knowledge of good and evil, we still consider Him a good, just, and loving god.

Despite murdering Job’s family, killing all his animals, and ruining his life in every way just to win a bet with Satan that Job would still be loyal to Him, believers still consider Him a good, just, and loving god.

Despite creating Hell, where people spend an eternity of hopeless, unimaginable pain and suffering if they do not worship and obey God, believers still consider Him a good, just, and loving god.

There are many, many more examples like these that clearly depict a creature who is, as Richard Dawkins famously wrote, “arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

And yet, believers still consider Him a good, just, and loving god.

On the other hand, what of Satan? What did he ever do to deserve being considered as the pure embodiment of evil? Convince Eve to eat an apple that would open her eyes and bestow knowledge of good and evil upon her? Rebel against a demonstrably evil God?

Satan only killed ten people in the entire Bible (the seven sons and three daughters of Job), which God was complicit in for betting Satan that Job would remain loyal despite this tragedy).
God, on the other hand, killed the entire world when he flooded it (breaking his own commandment and a moral precept understood by every person who ever lived, whether they
were aware of the Bible or not). In addition, he destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, including every man, woman, and child (and unborn child) who lived in there. He commanded Moses to kill every man, woman, and child (and unborn child) of enemy tribes (except the virgin girls, who could be taken as sex slaves). God killed every first=born child in Egypt as revenge against the Pharaoh. And countless others throughout the Old and New Testaments.

But God is good and Satan is evil? How does that make any sense? And yet, hundreds of millions of believers somehow do make sense of it.
Throughout recorded history, mankind has produced megalomaniacal tyrants. Totalitarian fascist dictators who use the Bible as their playbook and God as their model. They demand blind obedience no matter what. They demonize anyone who does not obey them blindly. They crush the exercise of free speech and critical thinking and questioning as blasphemy. They lie and perpetuate those lies in the face of all evidence and logic to the contrary. They use force and violence to assert their will. They allow no other gods before them; you must worship them and only them. These are the techniques and tools both of religion and fascism.

And Satan? His only real crime was defying God. Questioning God. Rebelling against God. In a fascist state, Satan is the hero to any outside witness. But to the fascist members of that state who have totally submitted their will to that of their dear leader, he is the devil. Evil incarnate.

Once you eat the forbidden fruit and open your eyes to the knowledge of good and evil, it is clear who is good and who is evil. Satan is the courageous figure who stands up to the all-powerful dictator. He deserves our admiration and support.

-W.T. Rozar

Stardust Frog – Elsa and Sasha

By Fantasy, Home, Surrealism and Psychedelia

Chrysalis Quads

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Chrysalis Quads. Transformation of four female humanoids into adult form. Models: Kay Ace, Rachel Lilly

Flamingo Pose – Astrid (2)

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Jenn Michelle – In Heels

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Jenn and her long shapely legs in heels. Model: Jenn Michelle

Crystal A – Studio Spreads

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Crystal works herself into a state of blissful sensuality as she poses under the soft pink lights and seductively opens her legs wide and touches herself. Go to the Erotic page in the main menu for the full 20-photo set. Only $2.99/month for full access to everything on the site. Model: Crystal A

Jungle Trail Ride on a T-Rex

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Jungle Trail Ride on a T-Rex.  Models: Crystal Nicole, Jenn Michelle

Eva – More in the Sauna (14)

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Sauna. Model: Eva

More from a photo shoot I did with this lovely Russian from St. Petersburg. Interesting story–a cautionary tale for you photographers. We had done about three hours of shooting, including some dance videos to some of my music, before going to the sauna. I checked what we had done up until then and everything looked great! I shot her while she was relaxing in the hot sauna and all was looking good. When we finished, however, all the photos and footage for the day was gone! Completely wiped out! I was devastated. I figured that maybe I had gotten too close to the heating element in the sauna and it gave off a powerful magnetic field that wiped out the memory card in my camera. But while I was face down on the ground, beating my fists against the floor in anguish, Eva was a real trooper and said, “There’s no use crying about it, we just have to shoot everything again.” So we did. And everything actually came out better the second time around! Model: Eva