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jemstarlight moon

Jemstarlight Moon – Sky Portal

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Sky Portal –  Model: Jemstarlight Moon

Jemstarlight Moon Glitter Green Skirt

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Jemstarlight Moon Glitter Green Skirt. Model: Jemstarlight Moon

Drugstore Girls (4)

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Drugstore Girls. 1950s style soda fountain fantasies. Models: Rachel Lilly, Violet, Lior Allay, Lareina Tay, Olinka Lickova, Jemstarlight Moon, Chandra Hall, jenn michelle, crystal nicole


Deep Earth Goddesses – Stevie, Lethe, and Jemstarlight Moon

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Stevie Raquel, Lethe, and Jemstarlight Moon – Deep Earth Goddesses

Jemstarlight Moon – Forest Nymph In Red Sarong (9)

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Jemstarlight Moon – Forest Nymph In Red Sarong

Mira Cradling Jemstarlight Moon in the Heavens

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Mira Cradling Jemstarlight Moon in the Heavens

Road Wraiths (Video)

By Home, Rabbit Holes, Surrealism and Psychedelia, Video

Road Wraiths

On a moonless night, beneath a canopy of twisted branches, we found ourselves on a desolate road that snaked through the heart of an ancient forest. The air grew heavy with an eerie silence as our car’s headlights cut through the oppressive darkness.

As we ventured further into the lonely abyss, shadows danced on the periphery of our vision. Pale, ethereal figures emerged from the trees, their ghostly forms bathed in an otherworldly glow. Their beauty was haunting, a spectral allure that seemed to transcend the boundaries between the living and the dead.

The women, with flowing hair and eyes that glowed like forgotten stars, lined the sides of the road. Their spectral hands reached out, fingers beckoning with an irresistible pull. Mesmerized, we couldn’t resist the allure, as if the very essence of the night compelled us to follow.

The engine hummed, and the tires whispered against the asphalt as we succumbed to the enchantment. The forest enveloped us in an inky blackness, the trees closing in like sinister sentinels. A haunting melody echoed through the air, a mournful symphony that seemed to emanate from the very depths of the woods.

As we delved deeper, the apparitions’ once-beautiful faces contorted into twisted masks of malevolence. The air turned frigid, and the seductive whispers became chilling warnings. Panic set in as we realized we had been ensnared by a spectral trap, lured into the heart of a forbidding realm.

With each passing moment, the road seemed to stretch infinitely into the inky unknown, and the apparitions’ taunting laughter echoed through the desolation. It became clear that our journey had taken an ominous turn, and escape from the grasp of these ghostly sirens would not be easily granted.

In the heart of that haunted night, our car hurtled forward, surrounded by the haunting beauty of the specters, as we faced the unsettling truth that we had become unwitting travelers on a road that led not to salvation, but to a realm where the boundary between the living and the dead blurred into a nightmarish tapestry of the unknown.

Season of the Witch #2

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Season of the Witch #6. Models: Mira and Jemstarlight Moon

Fire Dance – Jemstarlight Moon and Lethe

By Fantasy, Home, Rabbit Holes