In the secret realm where life begins, A dance of cells, a symphony within.
Embryo, a whisper in the cosmic tide, A metamorphosis, where mysteries abide.
In the womb’s embrace, a canvas bare, The alchemy of existence, beyond compare.
A journey unfolds in the silent night, From the spark of creation to the dawn of light.
Tiny tendrils weave tales untold, A waltz of genes in a mystical fold.
In the sacred cocoon of maternal grace, Life emerges, a delicate embrace.
A pulse of potential, a heartbeat’s start, An ode to life, a masterpiece of art.
The embryo’s ballet, a cosmic rhyme, A miracle unfolding, transcending time.
Cells divide, a cosmic ballet, A choreography of life in a graceful array.
Limbs form, a sculptor’s sweet refrain, A transformation, a celestial gain.
Oh, embryonic symphony, celestial ball, In the cradle of creation, where wonders enthrall.
A dance of life, a poetic grace, In the earliest stages, a sublime embrace.
As the embryo awakens, a star is born, A testament to the cosmic morn.
In the tapestry of being, a story takes flight, A metamorphosis, a journey to the light.